Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The new frontiers of SHIT

I hope I won't be considered as a shit writer after this post (and the post before this one), but I'm going to write about an exhibition which is, literally, about 'shit'.
Yes, shit, intended as what comes out of the body when the nutrition process comes to its end. Someone might find interesting that I am writing about such topic after having written the word in the 'tag' space of Last.fm. This means I'm listening to 'shit'-related music, although God only knows why Into the Unknown by DJ deserves to be tagged like that...
The beautiful town of Trento (North-East of Italy) hosts such infamous exhibition at the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali. If you're interested in seeing it hurry up, because it closes by 28th March. All information here:
I can add that the idea came out of Nicola Davies' book 'POO: A NATURAL HISTORY OF THE UNMENTIONABLE' (2004). And the exhibition is interactive (oh, my God!): I'm shitless. Ehm, I mean: I'm speechless...
In case you can't resist the call of the wild, you can contact the Associazione Didattica Museale here: info@assodidatticamuseale.it (tel 02 88463337)
They say they can bring it all to your hometown, if you just dare to ask

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