Sunday, July 23, 2006


Last night I was at Corto Maltese, Poetto, Cagliari, where I assisted to a great punk'n'roll gig. After the Ramones-oriented opening band, Gods of Gamble burst into a wild r'n'r assault, urging most people to pogo their asses out of their brains. I especially enjoyed their hits "Feel good" (who said Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers?), "No one" and "Big bang lover", plus Social Distortion's cover "Another state of mind". Among the crowd: Davide Ragazzo, talented tattooist and former member of the band, now with Pneumatica; Jimmy, Sikitikis bass player; Ciro and Giampiero, Wicked Apricots lead singer and bass player; even the author of the short novel "Le onde del destino" (Lars von Trier wasn't there, sorry) (if interested, you can buy it on-line at: .

You can get information about Gods of Gamble at:

Long live rock'n'roll!!!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Cinema show

Ieri sera si è tenuta la manifestazione di chiusura della Summer Film School di Cagliari. Tanti cortometraggi, inediti e non, tra i quali quelli di Machina Amniotica (un omaggio a J.G. Ballard), di Chiara Sulis e di Paolo Carboni. Il mio equipaggio comprendeva il comandante, un tenente colonnello dell'Aeronautica, e la sua signora; una splendida psicologa e una sua amica e collega di lavoro; una studentessa-lavoratrice e il suo compagno. Pop corn offerto dall'organizzazione (sotto le stelle, ma pur sempre cinema) e gradazione alcolica ambientale modesta ma diffusa, a base di vino. Io mi son fatto anche una birra. La manifestazione si è conclusa con l'esibizione di alcune squadriglie di Fenicotteri Rosa sullo sfondo del cielo notturno stellato.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Dance in brine... Dance in seaweed...

Fifteen flies in the marmalade... When you dance with me, my little, little darling...

Michael's got a gun... No-one laughs at Michael now...

I love you in your tragic beauty... I watched you in my tragic isolation... Walk beneath my window... You never noticed me...

The metal was corroded, the fuses were exploded... Fly away Peter, fly away Paul...

...with nothing in it... It'so icey, Frosty...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Please, please, please

Moz in Italy (we're almost getting used to it). But he's never been in Cagliari. Hey, Moz! Would you please, please, please let us get what we want. God knows it would be the first time: Morrissey live in Cagliari. I know people who would die for that, no joking. If somebody out there can do something, please please, please...

Monday, July 17, 2006

5 minutes to spare

And if you have 5 minutes to spare
then I'll tell you the story of my life...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Birth of a notion

Udite udite, alle ore 18 nasce oggi l'ennesimo blog. A me piace + di tutti gli altri perchè è il mio. Accettansi auguri e regali